
From WikiMSK

This page is probably complete!
It is awaiting peer review

This notice should be used on pages that contain all the information known at the time. It can be included by adding {{complete}} to the bottom of the page. It will add an icon to the top right of the page, add the notice text seen above, and automatically add the article to Category:Articles Awaiting Peer Review.


This template should generally be used without parameters. After an article is completed, it can be reviewed by a fellow of the NZAMM. If it is signed off then a different template is used {{Peer reviewed}}

When {{Complete}} is used the status icon shows a ◕ three-quarter filled circle, while a peer reviewed article shows a full green circle. The other quality tag have similar icons.

Articles using Template and Awaiting Peer Review

This adds a completed tag to the article, but it still needs to be peer reviewed.

Template parameters

No parameters specified